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Let's Connect
The Eastrail connects cities and communities in Seattle with an expansive corridor east of Lake Washington that offers newer, healthier, more integrated and sustainable mobility for all.

The Eastside Corridor (as it was formerly known) is 42 continuous miles of trails and sections of light rail, connecting cities and communities in Seattle with an expansive corridor east of Lake Washington, offering newer, healthier, more integrated and sustainable mobility for all. Copeland was approached by King County in Seattle to collaborate as brand consultants to develop a branding system and identity for The Eastside Corridor.

The challenge was to raise the awareness of the general public and trail users of where the trails are and where they providing a cohesive, scalable system that reflected the vision of the trails system, inspiring the public and corporate community to advocate for development, that motivated new users and created a positive emotional response. The final brand expression had to be easily understood, implemented and integrated.

In order to gain a general understanding of the attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors about the ERC from a broad sampling of the communities the trails system touches, Copeland spent considerable time using quantitative and qualitative research methods, all of which helped guide the brand development and position the brand.

Copeland developed a comprehensive strategy and positioning which informed the naming, messaging and tagline. EASTRAIL - the name chosen through community and coalition consultation, reflected the past and the future, the trail and the rail and the geographical area. From this, the identity was developed, a visual system that could live as much online as on the trails and merchandise. A landing page, including and overview of the project and a custom map, was launched in time for the official trail opening ceremony which included the public, trail users, council members and private industry. A truly collaborative community branding process.
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